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Prof. Dr. Christine Hatzky

Department of History, Leibniz Universität Hannover

Christine Hatzky is professor of Latin American And Caribbean History at the History Dept. of Leibniz University since April 2010 and is the spokesperson of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies (CAGS) since its foundation in May 2015. She has been assistant professor at the Institute of History (Dept. of Non-European History) of the University of Duisburg-Essen from 2002 to 2010. She holds her PhD (Biography of the Cuban Student Leader Julio A. Mella) from Hannover University (2003). Her post-doc project was published in 2015 in English: Cubans in Angola. South-South Cooperation and Transfer of Knowledge, 1976-1991. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. Se is co-editor of the Anuario de Historia de América Latina (Jahrbuch Lateinamerika) and the Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Se has worked on Independence and Anti-Colonial Movements in Africa and Latin America (20th century) as well as on Transnational Solidarity Networks between Europe and Latin America.
